"Through this work came my second revelation, that
Nikolai was just an excellent put together recording
engineer. His ability to quickly grasp the essence of a
given line up, think of alternative ways to capture them,
always with the musician's in mind, quickly trying things
out, with a calm and focused energy that always
enhanced the vibe in the room. It became a very well
recorded album, in no small measure because of
Nikolai's efforts."
Øystein (Lydkjøkkenet)
"I can honestly say from the bottom of my heart that this
was by far the best recording experience I've ever had. I
have recorded with sound engineers both in Norway and
Germany several times before, and what separated them
from Nikolai was the way he approached each project
we've worked on with such care, patience and vast
knowledge of how to use his equipment."
Oddbjørn (Gadarene Wine, Lady Moscow)
Aasmund Nordstoga
Agnes Buen Garnås
Alf Cranner
Arvid Skancke-Knutsen
Eivind Bøksle
Espen Beranek Holm
Finn Coren
Gadarene Wine
Green Isaac
Hege Lien
Helene Bøksle
Kari Iveland
Lady Moscow
Lars Birkelund
Lars Bremnes
Lars Beckstrøm
Lars Klevstrand
Lars Lillo-Stenberg
Ola Bremnes
Stian Carstensen
The Midnight Boogaloo
Trygve Mathiesen
+ flere
A few of the musicians & bands that I’ve worked with.
Last updated 2013
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